
Thanks to the generosity of supporters like yourself, we can pay for members’ acting classes, producing plays, copyright fees, hiring directors, auditioning, and other related theatrical  expenses.

The Glenvale Players Theatre Group is a charter member of the Canadian Council of the Blind Inc., A Canadian  Registered Charity – with registered charity number 11921 8899 RR0001.

To help enhance our theatrical activities with a donation, please follow the steps below.

  • Write your cheque to the order of the Canadian Council of the Blind Inc.
  • In the memo portion of the cheque note that this is in trust for the CCB – The Glenvale Players Theatre Group.
    Please provide your full name and mailing address so that a charitable receipt can be sent back to you.
  • Mail your donation to:
    The Canadian Council of the Blind Inc. National Office,
    20 James St., Suite 100, Ottawa, ON K2P 0T6, Canada
    Attention:  Ms. Mary Ellen Durkee
  • Please mark “C/O The Glenvale Players Theatre Group” on the envelope.
  • Notify us of your donation by sending an e-mail to

Your kind and generous donations are always welcome.